Dec 20, 2023, 2:28 PM

Malaysia blocks Israeli shipping firm over Gaza atrocities

Malaysia blocks Israeli shipping firm over Gaza atrocities

TEHRAN, Dec. 20 (MNA) – Malaysia announced the blockade of the Israeli shipping firm ZIM Integrated Shipping Services from accessing its ports, a symbolic yet significant move reflecting mounting frustration over the Gaza atrocities.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim declared the prohibition of Israeli cargo ships from docking at Malaysian ports and restricted vessels bound for occupied Palestine from loading cargo in the Southeast Asian nation. The decision extends to all ships en route to occupied Palestine.

Anwar explicitly targeted Israel's prominent shipping company, ZIM, revoking the previous authorization granted in 2002 for ZIM vessels to dock at Malaysian ports. The Prime Minister cited the Israeli regime's disregard for humanitarian principles and violations of international law as the catalyst for these measures.

The Malaysian government firmly stated, "These sanctions respond to Israel's actions, defying fundamental humanitarian principles and breaching international law in the continuous brutal treatment and massacres of Palestinians."

Malaysia, maintaining no diplomatic relations with the Israeli regime, took this stance amid Tel Aviv's extensive bombardment and ground invasion in Gaza, resulting in a reported death toll of nearly 20,000, predominantly comprising women and children.

As international calls for a renewed ceasefire amplify to facilitate aid to Gaza, the United Nations plans to vote on a ceasefire proposal, anticipating heightened relief efforts for the besieged Palestinian territory.


News ID 209785


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